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发布时间:2022-12-29 作者: 浏览次数:2059

学历:   博士          所属部门: 生物化学与分子生物学系

职称:  校聘副教授        招生专业:

联系电话: 15153833080         E-mail:


杨巍,男,博士.20146月于im体育农业大学获植物病理学博士学位。20229月进入im体育农业大学im体育工作。近年来在Frontier in Plant Science, Rice, BMC Plant Biology, Planta等刊物上发表论文。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。




1. Sun B, Shang L, Li Y, Zhang Q, Chu Z, He S, Yang W*, Ding X* (2022). Ectopic expression of OsJAZs alters plant defense and development. Int J Mol Sci. 23:4581

2. Xue X, Geng T, Liu H, Yang W*, Zhong W, Zhang Z, Zhu C, Chu Z* (2021) Foliar application of silicon enhances resistance against Phytophthora infestans through the ET/JA-and NPR1-dependent signaling pathways in potato, Front Plant Sci. 12: 609870

3. Yang W, Ju Y, Zuo L, Shang L, Li X, Li X, Feng S, Ding X, Chu Z (2020). OsHsfB4d directly binds the promoter and positively regulates the expression of OsHsp18.0-CI to mediate resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice.Rice. 13:28.

4. Yang W, Zhang B, Qi G, Shang L, Liu H, Ding X, Chu Z (2019). Identification of the phytosulfokine receptor 1 (OsPSKR1) confers resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice, Planta. 250 (5):1603-1612

5. Yang W, Dong R, Liu L, Hu Z, Li J, Wang Y, Chu Z (2016). A novel mutant allele of SSI2 confers a better balance between disease resistance and plant growth inhibition on Arabidopsis thaliana.BMC Plant Biol. 16(1), 208
